200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, India

  • Organizer: Jiva Yoga Academy
  • Type: Yoga TTC
  • Starting From: 03-March-2021
  • Duration: 26 Days
  • Area: Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
  • Food: Vegetarian,Vegan,Gluten Free,Organic,Raw,Ayurvedic,Dairy Free
  • Surrounding area: Near to Beach,Forest,Close To Nature,River


Jiva Yoga Academy offers a unique Multiple Yoga Teacher Training Course specifically designed for students looking to immerse themselves in an all-inclusive exploration of yoga.

This multi-faceted course incorporates key elements of our most popular courses – Hatha and Ashtanga – and combines them with studies of Naturopathy & Ayurveda/Emotional blockage treatment to provide students a holistic and empowering journey towards the inner self.

By completing this course, you will be able to teach yoga and offer your future students basic insights to balancing the doshas, correct eating habits for the body types and how to bring the body back into homeostasis through natural means.


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    Vikash Kumar,

    Core Subject: Ashtanga Yoga & Philosophy

    Vikas is accomplished teacher of both Ashtanga and Hatha yoga over years experience as a teacher and life long learner of the yogic life style. During the course he will offer friendly expert insights to yoga philosophy and Ashtanga yoga, Where you will learn proper adjustment and alignment of the postures. Vikas is hardworking, sincere, confident and an enthusiastic person – his charisma and fun nature is infectious! he has strong will power and he is always ready to learn new things. Vikas believes in teamwork and prides himself on adapting to any environment or student need with ease. He believes in perfection and dedication.

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    Pankaj Badoni

    Core Subject: Hatha Yoga

    Pankaj born in Rishikesh, he trained by a very popular master Vishvaguru in Ved Niketan Dham in Rishikesh. After completion his diploma in Ved Niketan Dham he was teaching there seven years, he is currently teaching students in Jiva Yoga Academy of deep knowledge of Hatah Yoga and Iyenger Yoga. He is very popular among the students for his teaching style by which he conveys his knowledge of asana.

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    Core Subject: Yoga Asana

    Yogi Pritam is a Hatha Yoga certified Instructor with considerable experience of teaching and practicing yoga is a gentle soul. His sheer inclination towards spirituality and absolute precision in teaching creates an ambiance of harmony and love. Pritam is also a practitioner of acupressure since he acquired the knowledge and certification long ago. Due to his knowledge of acupressure other healing sciences and under the guidance of masters, his approach is basically therapy based. He is also versed in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

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    Gokul Bisht

    Core Subject: Anatomy

    Gokul Bisht is a master degree holder in Yoga from Uttrakhand Sanskrit University. He is teaching all yogic techniques including asana, pranayama, yogic cleansing and anatomy for years. Now he teaches anatomy and physiology in Jiva Yoga academy. Gokul Bisht has specialized himself in exclusive yogic psychotherapy which is proving to be a very effective tool in yoga practices to overcome psychosomatic disorders like depression and anxiety.He has taken multiple workshops regarding yoga asana effect at human body. He is a great instructor for teaching the importance of anatomy in yoga.


This training takes place at Jiva Yoga Academy, Rishikesh, India.

This Teacher Training Course with holistic, traditional teachings of the sacred yogic path at our core, our objective is to deliver an authentic yoga experience to students and help transform them into certified teachers, as well as experienced and passionate yoga practitioners.

Our comprehensive training courses are conducted by highly experienced and dedicated yoga masters who seek to infuse real traits of a yogi in those who come to practice and study yoga at Jiva Yoga Academy. We believe in sharing the yoga system in a way that brings proper balance between the bodies, minds and souls of our students so that they may bring more happiness, stability, and peace into their lives.

As a student of our 200 Hour Multiple Yoga TTC, you will have the opportunity to fully embrace the ancient lifestyle of the yogic path through in-depth exploration of yoga. Your physical practice will be accompanied by traditional teachings of ancient yogi practices of Pranayama, Meditation, Shatkarmas and Anatomy, taking you on a holistic, spiritual path to uncovering the secrets within.

This course is Yoga Alliance Certified (USA). Upon completion of the course, you will recieve a certificate in your name with a life-long validity, allowing you to teach yoga worldwide.

Hatha Yoga:

  • Sun salutation
  • Moon salutation
  • Tadasana
  • Malasana
  • Pwanmuktasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Parivrittrikonasana
  • Triyaktadasana
  • Garudasana
  • Parsvakonasna 1
  • Virbhadrasana 1&2
  • Ekpadasana
  • Ardhchandarasana
  • Pranamasana
  • Balasana
  • Shashank asana
  • Savastikasana
  • Sukhasana
  • Padmasana
  • Siddhasana
  • Adhomukhasukhasana
  • Parivaritsukhasana
  • Uttkatkonasana
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Hanumanasna
  • Hanumadandasana
  • Baddhkonasana
  • Raj kapotasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Setubhandhasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Ardhmatsyendrasana

Ashtanga Yoga:

  • Sun Salutation A & B
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • UtthitaTrikonasana
  • ParivrttaTrikonasana
  • UtthitaParsvakonasana
  • ParivrttaParsvakonasana
  • PrasaritaPadottanasana A B C & D
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Eka Padangusthasana A B C & D
  • ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana A & B
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana A B C & D


  • Ayurvedic Philosophy & History
  • Exploring doshas and the elements
  • Diagnostic techniques of imbalances and disease
  • Pathology of disease
  • Pulse readings
  • Body constitutions
  • Balancing the doshas
  • Panchkarmas
  • Ayurvedic diet
  • Daily habits to balance energies
  • Prevention and maintenance of health


  • What is Meditation
  • Practical Tips
  • Mantras
  • Group chanting
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Guided Practice
  • Visualization
  • Mantra teachings

Yogic Philosophy:

  • What is yoga?
  • Patanjali yoga sutra
  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharna
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi
  • Karma yoga
  • Bhakti yoga
  • Sankhya yoga
  • Raj yoga
  • Nada yoga
  • Hatha yoga
  • Gyan yoga
  • Three heterodox scripture
  • Six orthodox scripture
  • Four vedas
  • Five bodies
  • Mantras explanation
  • Bhagavat Gita
  • How to control the mind
  • How to karma work


  • Pranayama's introduction
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Kapal bhati pranayama
  • Nadi shodhan pranayam
  • Anulom vilom pranayam
  • Bhramari parnayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Shitkari pranayam
  • Shitali pranayama
  • Surya bhedi pranayama

Yoga Cleansing:

  • Jalaneti
  • Rubber neti
  • Shankha prakshalana
  • Laghu shankha prakshalana
  • Kunjar kriya
  • Vaman kriya
  • Kapal bhati
  • Basati kriya


Students will learn muscles, bones, fascia and joint movement of the body, and how it apply to movement of the body from asana to asana. The proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice.

Yoga Cleansing:

  • Jalaneti
  • Rubber neti
  • Shankhaprakshalana
  • Laghushankhaprakshalana
  • Kunjarkriya
  • Vamankriya
  • Kapalbhati
  • Basatikriya

We offer private and shared comfortable accommodation, the rooms are equipped with basic and luxury services. Along with those, there are facilities running hot shower, and other activities that make the stay comfortable. The institute comprises of all the modern amenities.

Three daily freshly made vegetarian meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)  and chai, tea or Coffee are included in the price. The food is fully prepared hygienically and the vegetables are organic.

  • Alignment & Adjustment: Master the alignment of over 50 asanas and learn how to help your students get deeper into a posture through adjustment.

  • Teaching Methodolgies: Principles of demonstration, Observing, assisting and correcting, Instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, Voice projection, floor presence, The student’s process of learning Planning and structuring a class, Alignment and hands-on-adjustments, Dealing with injuries and safety precautions

  • Class Sequencing and Practical Assessment: Learn appropriate and effective sequencing of classes, Symptoms of a good teacher, Demonstration, Individual care of each student, Proper alignment and conduct a class of your own in a friendly and safe environment.

  • Shared and private accommodation with your own private bathroom.

  • All meals including chai – food is prepared as per the yogi lifestyle, and is sourced from local growers as per the season. We have a strong focus on balanced and nutritious meals.

  • According to time if there are availability you have excursions on days off, trekking, local sightseeing etc.

  • Yoga materials, including textbook, yoga mat, neti pot, rubber neti and notebook.

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • Yoga alliance Certificate

  • Pick up from Dehradun Airport (Jolly Grant) on minimum price.

Jiva Yoga Academy


Jiva Yoga Academy is a unique Yoga Alliance Accredited school based in the spiritual epi-center of Rishikesh, India, that offers a variety of courses based on Hatha and Ashtanga practices. 

  • To confirm your spot you are requested to pay 150 USD in advance via paypal.
  • This advance fee will be deducted from the total fee of the course.
  • Remaining amount you need to pay on arrival in school.
  • Booking amount is non-refundable if any case you are not able to join the course then you can join any other next date within one year calender.