200 Hour Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training, Indonesia

  • Organizer: Parimukti
  • Type: Yoga TTC
  • Starting From: 08-February-2021
  • Duration: 24 Days
  • Area: Bali, Indonesia
  • Food: Veg
  • Surrounding area: Forest,Mountain,Close To Nature


Parimukti’s 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course will prepare you to introduce people to yoga with confidence. You’ll have a solid foundation in asana, and feel confident to guide people using breath awareness, pranayama, mantras, meditation and relaxation. Most of all you’ll have an understanding of what the Yoga path really is. Successfully graduated students are aware of their own unique presence, energy, message, and teaching style.


Really enjoyed my teacher training and I have learned so much! What I really like is that you develop your own style of teaching. Loved it!



Professional inspiring and open heart ... Merel and her team are so dedicated authentic knowledgable teachers guiding you on ur path to grow . NAMASTE



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    Manjeet Marthur

    Core Subject: Philosophy

    Manjeet is born and brought up in India and has been travelling since seven years through the country seeking inspiration from different teachers. He has been a professional dancer, fitness enthusiast and intuitive since an early age. After a serious accident in the gym he suffered from a slipped disc. Through physiotherapy and stretching exercises, he was introduced to yoga and has been practising continuously since then. Life changed for him when he found ‘his’ teacher guiding him through heart meditations and conscious breathwork. Since then, he has been sharing a wonderful combination of Hatha yoga, heart meditations, dance therapy and massage techniques. He believes love and compassion are the only religion and life is a celebration of one’s own authentic self. He stresses the fact that even though each single session of his is transformational, the real yoga begins off the mat and in everyday life with our health, relationships, work and time alone. His motto: bring more love to each present moment through breath awareness and conscious actions.

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    Atalia Galina

    Core Subject: Anatomy

    Growing up in an open minded house in Israel, Atalia was exposed from a very young age to different holistic treatments, yoga, and different ways to live life. She was always curious to understand how things work, and to and explore herself in this world. At the age of 9 she started to dance. Dance and movement made her discover new ways to explore the body, through the sensations and later also through learning the body’s anatomy and physiology. Yoga came to her in India, and opened up a whole new world of exploring and learning the different behaviors of the body and mind. Very soon the practice of yoga became a daily thing in her life, helping her to maintain balance and deal with different physical injuries and emotional pains. In the past few years, Atalia has been deepening her knowledge through different yoga practices, yoga therapy, breath work, massage therapy, pilates and therapy for mobility alignment and correct posture. When teaching she emphasis alignment, breath awareness with movement, and encourages her students to feel and learn what is the right practice for them in every particular moment in order to create balance and peace in their body and mind


Bali is a peaceful, serene, and majestic destination sought out by many travelers around the globe.

It exudes peacefulness and calmness allowing for a wonderful location for spiritual seekers and yoga enthusiats.

In this phase you will undergo a profound realignment and purification of the physical body, experiencing the results in your own energy. Starting from the most tangible in this 200 hours training we will proceed to the most subtle in the 300 hours training: from the physical body to the mind. When you have accomplished this training with commitment and dedication, you will feel confident to share with others what you have learned through self-investigation and self-practice. Our program is registered with the American Yoga Alliance (YA), and meets the established standards. Completing our program will allow you to register with the Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200.

Daily Schedule:

  • 07:00 - 09:00 Asana, Pranayama & Meditation
  • 09:00 - 10:00 Healthy Vegetarian breakfast
  • 10:00 - 11:15 Applied Anatomy
  • 11:15 - 12:30 Alignment
  • 12:30 - 15:00 Lunch and Rest
  • 15:00 - 16:15 Philosophy
  • 16:30 - 18:00 Asana/Art of Teaching (Alternate days)
  • 18:00 - 19:00 Meditation/Yin/Restorative
  • 19:00 - 20:00 Dinner and Rest

PRACTICE – Your practice is your foundation, your real teacher. In the training, you will commit to daily practicing asana, pranayama, and meditation. Your practice will allow you to experience the effects on your body and mind. What you experience, you will understand. What you understand, you will be able to share with others.

ASANA – You’ll practice asana, pranayama techniques, and different meditations 2-6 hours every day. Since a Parimukti training is demanding and challenging physically and mentally, we find it important to have a good balance between more dynamic physical practice and classes to restore and rejuvenate (yin, yoga nidra, restorative).

PRANAYAMA – A variation of different pranayama techniques is integrated into our your daily practice. Consequently, you will become familiar with key verbal instructions, function, benefits and contraindications of the most important pranayamas. At the end of the program you will have integrated these practices and, thus, will be able to incorporate pranayama into your teaching, as well.

MEDITATION – Meditation is a very important element of Parimukti trainings. In this 200 hours training you’ll develop an understanding of what meditation is and how it helps to gain insight into ourselves and our relationship with the world. You will be introduced to meditation techniques like silent sitting, movement meditations, heart meditations, and buddhist meditations. Also, every student can choose to have a day in silence. This day you will receive teachings and practices silently, allowing yourself to observe your beliefs and thoughts more closely.

MANTRA – You will be introduced to chanting mantras in a more classical setting (start/end of the class) as well as a more joyous setting in a kirtan evening. You will be chanting some of the most important mantras and understand by experience how sound can positively charge oneself and the environment.

ALIGNMENT – You will have alignment classes in which you learn the most important asana postures addressing their alignment. These classes include Sanskrit and English names, key verbal cues, function of the postures, basic hands-on adjustments, benefits and contraindications. All types of asana are covered: standing, standing balancing, sitting poses (forward bends and twists) forward bends, supine, back bending, core awakening, arm balance and inversions.

PHYSICAL ANATOMY – Proper understanding of anatomy is crucial for a yoga (asana) teacher. During this course you will study the functional applied anatomy of the major joints (knee joint, hip joint, shoulder joint, and spine), fundamental bones and basic muscles throughout the course. This will help you to understand and identify differences in students and corresponding needs.

YOGIC ANATOMY – We will introduce you to different models of how the body is being perceived by the yoga tradition. Therefore we will discuss the chakras, nadis, kriyas, mudras, bandhas and koshas. This will help you to more fully understand the process and benefits of yoga.

YOGIC PHILOSOPHY – You will gain insight into the evolution of yoga from the vedic to these modern times. We guide you in how to apply yoga philosophy in your yoga practice, your teachings, and most importantly, in your everyday life. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with a particular focus on the 8 limbs of yoga, will be studied in depth.

ART OF TEACHING – Teaching is a great medium to learn about yourself and others. Therefore, you will be asked to work with the other students, in groups, on teaching assignments from the very beginning. Our teachers will give you practical tools and constructive feedback that will help you grow rapidly and confidently. The Art of Teaching classes are a great platform where you can integrate what you have learned in the alignment, anatomy and philosophy classes. Above all you will be invited and challenged to find your unique way of teaching a class.

Parimukti Yoga Center can accommodate up to 35 in and around the campus. Along with spaciousness and comfortable cozy furnishings these rooms are well appointed with comfortable amenities. The ambiance provided by the facilities allows you to focus on your yogic studies and have a peaceful rest and relaxing down time . The facilities included are comfortable mattresses, hot and cold water, security, and attached toilets. Air conditioning and heaters are available on request for an additional charge.

During this training, you will be served a daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Saturday dinner and all meals on Sundays are excluded. This way you can explore all the nice restaurants in the area. Our meals are vegetarian, but we do serve eggs and dairy, no meat and no fish. Meals are a combination of home cooked and occasionally a more Western style. Please feel free to buy your own snacks and food to add on to our meals. We provide student fridges to store your stuff. We provide the three meals and nothing in between, you can get some bananas or other snacks in case you get hungry in between. Please inform Parimukti of any special diet needs and allergies so that we can cater to you accordingly.

Example of Breakfast:

  • Porridge with fruits
  • Bread with boiled eggs and jam
  • Vegetable poha
  • Vegetable paratha

Example of Lunch:

  • Vegetable curry
  • Dahl
  • Rice and/or chapati
  • Fresh salad with cucumber and tomato

Example of Dinner:

  • Vegetable curry and rice
  • Pasta with vegetables
  • You are at the point of taking your profession to a higher level
  • You want to learn more different types of yoga practice to be able to offer specialized yoga classes
  • You are looking for an intensive program that will not only change your teaching skills but you on a deeper level as well
  • You are keen to study with a team of highly qualified local and international teachers coming from different schools and backgrounds
  • We offer small class sizes so that each student can receive the individual attention they need in order to grow and thrive during this intense period
  • We offer a multi-style program so you will be qualified to teach traditional Hatha, Ashtanga/Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga classes
  • Daily practice of meditation, pranayama, and asana
  • Study of the asanas and their musculoskeletal alignment
  • Verbal and hands-on adjustments and their benefits and contraindications
  • Scientific background of hands-on adjustments
  • Study of the Vedic and Upanishadic mantras
  • Chanting and meditation studies, movement meditations, heart meditations, and buddhist meditations.
  • You’ll gain an understanding of different chakras and how to address and treat them
  • Practices like breath awareness, basic pranayamas, kriyas (cleansing techniques), and mantras will be presented and practiced within the course from the very beginning. 
  • Cozy and comfortable accommodations
  • Completing our program will allow you to register with the Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200.
  • Tuition and course materials
  • 3 delicious vegetarian meals served daily

Parimukti Yoga Center


Parimukti is a registered yoga school dedicated to teaching yoga and meditation to every single individual who wants to explore themselves through this wonderful ancient science in-depth. Parimukti is the path to freedom through realisation of who we are. Using the teachings and practices of the yoga tradition we go on an explorative journey to understanding the nature of our body, mind, and investigate the relationship between ourselves and others. Gaining clarity about our conditioned beliefs allows us to live in freedom and joy.